Ginger-lemon scotch tea

simpleCooking time (minutes)
ginger, cayenne pepper, honey, lemon peelThe core of this recipe is cayenne pepper, which relieves a sore throat. It is necessary to put a quarter teaspoon into the drink. And also finely chopped ginger (60 g.), Several strips of lemon zest, a spoonful of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey. After 5 minutes brew of tea, you may drink in small sips.
If you catch a cold and life has become insipid - it's time to add pepper to it. Cayenne pepper is an instant stimulant for blood circulation. Vitamin C and hot substances in the composition of pepper of this species block the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
Widely known recipe for alcohol pepper tincture, which is often abused by those who would like to drink under the pretext of treatment. However, pepper for medicinal purposes is consumed in a variety of forms, even in the milk drink. And the pepper is able to perk up our mood without alcohol, as it contributes to the production of endorphins.
How much it should be hot. Than the hotter the pepper, so it is the more useful. Not everyone will stand a mark of 90000 on the scale of the Scoville heat unit (SНU). But pepper is less acute in 40,000 units is unlikely to be effective for treatment.
Note that not every chili, as the generalized hot peppers, is called cayenne. These names are often confused. When buying, choose the brightest. Pale pepper is a low-quality product. Beware of buying cayenne pepper in paper bags, make sure that the packaging is sealed.
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