Contracted bottling "on a turn-key basis"
Outsourcing all operations related to the production of alcohol. It's profitable. Give the "Veresk" an idea, and the rest will be done by professionals. The drink will have an excellent formula, original taste from nature, high quality, it will be certified and delivered on time to the sales network.
Outsourcing all operations related to the production of alcohol. It's profitable. Give the "Veresk" an idea, and the rest will be done by professionals. The drink will have an excellent formula, original taste from nature, high quality, it will be certified and delivered on time to the sales network.
A wide selection of ready-made recipes
Start the line of drinks under your brand name without delay. Just choose one of 80 ready-made recipes. Each of them is developed in a professional laboratory, it is balanced and has already proved its relevance to consumers. Want an exclusive recipe? This is also solved.
Start the line of drinks under your brand name without delay. Just choose one of 80 ready-made recipes. Each of them is developed in a professional laboratory, it is balanced and has already proved its relevance to consumers. Want an exclusive recipe? This is also solved.
Solving problems of any complexity level
Set ambitious goals for the production of exclusive products. More than 100 kinds of natural components are stored in the Veresk warehouse. We guarantee that we will realize the most complex recipes of the client. And we can create a recipe that will become the market opening and presenting your drink really effectively - in a unique bottle.
Set ambitious goals for the production of exclusive products. More than 100 kinds of natural components are stored in the Veresk warehouse. We guarantee that we will realize the most complex recipes of the client. And we can create a recipe that will become the market opening and presenting your drink really effectively - in a unique bottle.
Крепость, %
присущий водке
характерный водочный
спирт этиловый ректификованный "Экстра"
вода питьевая исправленная
натрий дикарбонат
кислота уксусная
Крепость, %
мягкий без посторонних привкусов
характерный водочный
спирт этиловый ректификованный высшей очистки
вода питьевая исправленная
Крепость, %
абрикоса с едва заметным ароматом косточки
абрикосовый спиртованный сок
морс кураги I и II слива
черничный морс I и II слива
горькоминдальное масло 1:10
сахарный сироп 73,2%-ный
лимонная кислота
спирт этиловый ректификованный высшей очистки и вода
Крепость, %
слегка жгучий
округленный, пряный
настой "Адмиралтейский" I и II слива
сахарный сироп 65,8%-ный
спирт этиловый ректификованный высшей очистки и вода
Крепость, %
сложный, слегка жгучий
сложный, со слабо выраженным ароматом померанцевого ореха
настой померанцевого ореха и кориандра I и II слива
настой мяты и красного перца I и II слива
сахарный сироп 65,8%-ный
спирт этиловый ректификованный высшей очистки и вода
Крепость, %
сложный с тонким запахом розы
настой ингредиентов I и II слива
яблочный спиртованный сок
сахарный сироп 65,8%-ный
лимонная кислота (для доведения кислотности до 0,4г/100 мл)
спирт этиловый ректификованный высшей очистки и вода
Крепость, %
слегка жгучий
настой калгана I и II слива
настой имбиря I и II слива
настой перца черного I и II слива
настой мускатного ореха I и II слива
настой кубебы I и II слива
сахарный сироп 65,8%-ный
лимонная кислота
спирт этиловый ректификованный высшей очистки и вода
Крепость, %
абрикосовый спиртованный сок
морс кураги I и II слива
черничный морс I и II слива
сахарный сироп 65,8%-ный
лимонная кислота (для доведения кислотности до 0,3г/100 мл)
спирт этиловый ректификованный высшей очистки и вода
Who will benefit the contractual bottling?
Your new capabilities
  • Special licenses
    Special licenses

    Release absolutely legally wide assortment of alcoholic products: alcoholic beverages, cognacs, wine, wine drinks without the ethyl alcohol addition. With "Veresk" you have all the necessary licenses - for production, storage, and delivery.

  • Recipe of high complexity
    Recipe of high complexity

    Surprise the market with drinks with a unique recipe or those that require special equipment in production. "Veresk" is an expert in working with complex recipes that require a laboratory, special knowledge and a broad base of raw materials. More than 100 natural components are stored in specially equipped warehouses.

  • High-tech equipment
    High-tech equipment

    "Veresk" enterprises are equipped with the most modern Italian and German equipment, allowing to work with natural ingredients carefully, extracting the maximum of active substances from them. The workshop for the production of wine from ready-made wine materials operates using sterile cold filling technology with ultrafiltration.

  • Any output volumes
    Any output volumes

    The production capacity of "Veresk" allows you to fulfill a large order in the shortest possible time. Six bottling lines operate at a speed of 6,000 bottles per hour, the line for bottling souvenir alcohol production produces 800 bottles per hour.

  • Fully "live" drinks
    Fully "live" drinks

    Рroduce the in-demand natural products, using the unique technological base of "Veresk". The enterprise has special workshops for the creation of fruit drinks and infusions, forcing aromatic alcohols, for the production of alcoholate juices, for crushing roots and berries.

  • Any packing
    Any packing

    Step away from the template and create your own uniqueness. Choose bottles of any shape, any capacity from 0.1 liters to 1.75, use different types of capping and all sorts of labels. The bottling is carried out both in all classical containers and in individual containers for souvenir products.

Secrets of high quality
Price Calculator
  • Product type
  • Bottles and caps
  • Label type
  • Payment
  • Volume
Payment method
Additional expenses
Approximate estimate

Please call this number for a precise estimate 8(495) 481-29-27, 8(4822) 655-059

How cooperation is built
We guarantee confidentiality
Your superiority over competitors
  • Natural production
    Natural production

    "Veresk" has a unique century of experience with natural ingredients for the market, it is an expert in creating complex recipes based on nature's gift. Enterprises include special equipment that allows you to extract the maximum of active substances from fruits, berries, and herbs. Each of the drinks produced by "Veresk" can rightly be called "alive."

  • Delivery

    The built-in logistics system and its fleet of vehicles allow Veresk to guarantee its partners reliable and timely delivery of products and its full safety. Carrying capacity of machines from 1 to 20 tons, which allows the delivery of any batch of drinks at a time.

  • Quality control
    Quality control

    The multi-stage control system Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points allows you to ensure the compliance of Veresk products with the most stringent quality standards. The plant has a laboratory, equipment and experts who monitor the purchase of raw materials, its proper storage, the creation of products at each stage of the production cycle, and its transportation.

  • Corporate standards
    Corporate standards

    The regulation of all production and business processes makes cooperation with Veresk as efficient and predictable as possible. The enterprise operates as a single well-functioning mechanism. Terms are strictly observed, and the results of work are consistent with the specified quality parameters.

Profitable cooperation.
  • Develop your brand, minimizing all production risks. To sell your drinks and conquer the market, you do not need to build a complex system of production, storage, logistics, control, and management.
  • Use ready-made solutions and Veresk resources. Concentrate on marketing and sales, and we will do the rest.
To manufacturers
  • Expand the range of your products without extra costs to modernize your production, purchase additional expensive equipment, hire and train personnel, pass certification.
  • Using the technical capacity of Veresk, the experience, and competence of our experts, you will complement the product line with high-quality and natural drinks that will support your image of a bona fide manufacturer.
To Network Retailers
  • Your needs to develop high-quality beverages under your own brand can be implemented conveniently, flexible, "turnkey". Using the resources of the Veresk factories, you will create beverages that will be original, competitive and meeting consumer preferences, including the "naturalness" trend.
  • An experienced manufacturer will take over the entire production and logistics, offering solutions that are suitable for you.
To Wholesale companies
  • Consider a reasonable alternative to managing a non-core business, investing in production and developing it. Entrust the production of beverages to professionals and get a predictable result, minimizing risks.
  • "Veresk" will undertake the whole complex of tasks - from the formulation of drinks to the delivery of finished products.
Promotional Agencies
  • Solve the task of branding alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages for events quickly and reliably. "Veresk" is the manufacturer that can satisfy the wishes of the most of your demanding corporate clients, cope with the most complicated recipe, packing, any volume of production, having fulfilled the order in a short time.
  • Offer customers for branding. They all will like it, they will look perfect in the eyes of journalists and have the highest quality.