Contact information

33A Chaykovskogo Avenue, Tver, 170002.
Telephone: (4822) 655-661, (4822) 655-024.


Vokzalnaya Street, Kashin, Tver oblast, 171640 Russia, phone/fax (48234) 2-08-05

Sales Department

3 Tupoleva Street, Tver 170034
phone/fax (4822)50-23-81, 50-23-82
Order handling and shipping
91A Shishkova Street, Tver
phone (4822) 50-22-20

3 Tupoleva Street, 170034 Tver, Tver region phone/fax (4822)50-23-81,


Sales Department

Distribution to Moscow non-chain retail outlets
6 Klinskaya Street, office 308, Moscow
phone: 8(495)481-29-27


Moscow region
26V Sovetskaya Street, Taldom, Moscow region
phone: 8(495)481-29-27


Distribution to Moscow chain retail outlets
6 Klinskaya Street, office 308, Moscow
phone: 8(495)481-29-27

Sales Department

Yaroslavl region
27 Lenin Street, Uglich, Yaroslavl region
phone/fax (48532) 5-09-04

2 Svoboda Street, office 408, Yaroslavl
phone/fax (4852) 94-28-01, 74-56-04


Vokzalnaya Street, Kashin, Tver oblast, 171640 Russia, phone/fax (48234) 2-08-05



To customers and partners

The company “Veresk” welcomes the opportunity to work with retailers, brands, marketing, and open to any proposals. Please select the subject of the message.

From concept to the bottle on the shop shelf

19 July 2019

Prior to choosing a manufacturer for contract bottling of a beverage, one should think about the whole process, the result of which fashions itself in the bottle standing on the shop shelf. This idea will help you to establish a proper relationship with the manufacturer, and maybe to choose a manufacturer within the defined parameters.

The transformation ‘idea to model’ is a process determined by particular laws and regulations. The idea must become feasible in order to “shoot” or realise it. In this way, the success of the beverage depends heavily on the producer’s position. The onus is on the manufacturer, with many years of technological experience which will turn out be very useful to the brand owner. The professionalism of the producer’s team, it’s responsiveness and enthusiasm can turn a weak idea into a strong idea, in turn reducing the obvious risks. Even the replacement of one component can seriously influence its position. For example, Goji berries exact a fat-burning effect, even if the drink does not directly bring attention to this.

Having determined the main ingredient of the recipe, one must pay attention to choosing a suitable option. A responsible manufacturer will offer the customer several test recipes with interesting flavours, depending on the popularity of the drink.

The next stage is a trial which should take the form of a small batch of the drink. It will be very useful if the manufacturer does not see the size of the batch as a problem and does not force you to start production at full capacity. This will help you to be more flexible and with time make the necessary changes to the drink based on initial feedback from consumers.

It's worth remembering that it’s not only about the content of the drink, but also its shape and form. One must think of a modern design for the drink that reflects the attribute of the brand, its character corresponding with the artistic tastes of the target audience. One will need to choose a bottle, thinking not only about the type of shape, volume and capping but also about its unique selling point which secures the safety of a business.

Finally, any beverage only becomes a product for sale when it is legalised, receiving necessary certification of quality and approval from independent laboratories. When starting cooperation with a producer at the idea stage, one should take into account the scale of the potential transformation of the original idea. For example, speaking about a drink of natural composition, one should choose a producer which can certify such a product without any issues. All of these challenges should be thought through in advance in order to realise the idea.


Вам уже исполнилось 18 лет?

Чрезмерное употребление алкоголя вредит вашему здоровью

Are you of legal drinking age?

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health

Sind Sie 18 Jahre alt?

Übermäßiger Alkoholkonsum ist schädlich für Ihre Gesundheit

Are you of legal drinking age?

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health



Are you of legal drinking age?

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health